Since 2020, we have been in a whirlwind of turmoil… global pandemic, wearing masks, social distancing, vaccines, inflation, food insecurity, mandates, high unemployment, increased of natural disasters, lawlessness, violence, confusion, injustice, hopelessness, etc. Many have been hoping each new year will be better than the previous year to return to so-called “normal.”
Some believers have even become weary or fallen away. According to the word of God in Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3 all that’s occurring in the world and reported on the local and national news is bible prophecy unfolding along with signs that Jesus Christ is coming back!
The 24th Chapter of Matthew states what’s happening is the beginning of sorrows birthing pain as a woman in labor as all creation groans. There’s a major shifting and shaking taking place whereby its vital to seek and draw closer to God who changes not and in control of all things.
We must trust in Him who knows all things and the Author and Finisher of our faith. As we start this new year here’s some things, we can do to be strong in the Lord and not shaken by all that’s happening.
1. Read the Word of God. Guard our hearts and be careful of what we watch and hear. God will speak through the pages of the Bible to us. When we diligently seek God first and dig into the Scriptures truth is revealed. Meditating on the God’s word will renew our mind, set your heart ablaze and fill our spirit.
2. Stir the Prayer Furnace. There’s power in prayer! Fires don’t last long if there’s no pile wood on the flames. We must set aside quiet time with God to stay connected. We cannot survive spiritually without regular communication with the Lord. Mr. Russ Scalzo states someone asked him, “What’s more important reading the bible or praying?” He responded, “What’s more important breathing in or breathing out?” In other words, both are important!
4. Praise and Worship. When feeling heaviness or weary put on your favorite praise and worship music and begin magnifying the Lord. When we begin praising God with exuberance a fresh wind of new strength and focus arises. Make a decision to praise and glorify God in a more vocal, uninhibited way this year.
6. Stop Religious Habits. Be careful not to extinguish, quench the Holy Spirit as stated in 1 Thessalonians, 5:19, "Do not quench the Spirit." Unfortunately, some services will hinder the move of the Holy Spirit by quenching the Spirit. Thus, remaining stuck in religious box of traditions causing individuals to be perpetually immature, unable to grow spiritually. Many in bondage unable to be delivered, grow spiritually and closer to God. Instead remaining stagnant week after week with religious entertainment having a form of godliness with no power only itchy ear feel good sermons.
7. Get Rid of Bitterness/Unforgiveness. The word of God tells us that we can’t expect God to forgive us if we don’t forgive others (Matthew 6:15). Nothing puts out the flame of God's love faster than unforgiveness/bitterness. Don't allow unforgiveness to harden your heart thus hindering prayers from being heard. It’s important to deal with offenses quickly whether the person accepts or not.
8. Don’t Forsake Assembly/Fellowship with Others. There’s strength in gathering together (body of Christ). Fires go out when the embers are far apart. When you ignite and put coals close together and stir them the flames get hotter. That’s why it’s important to gather together and not be isolated (lone ranger). Body of believers are to be a community joined in fellowship to a bible teaching, praying church on fire for God. A spiritually dead church will not have fire quenching the Spirit instead of allowing the presence of God to move freely. If a church compromises God's Word, is prayerless or ignores the Great Commission an individual should consider finding another church home.
7. Stir Use Your Spiritual Gifts. Every Christian has spiritual gift/gifts to be used for the building up and edifying others. Our faith is stretched once we begin to step out and serve others. Will also quickly realize there’s no greater joy than being an instrument of the Holy Spirit ministering to others. Will be set ablaze as the oil of His anointing flows through you with supernatural power.
8. Connect to Teacher/Mentor. There’s nothing like being around zealous, passionate Christians on fire for the Lord and glean from their experiences and wisdom. Get as close as you can to those seeking God and set on fire which will ignite you as well.
9. Witness/Share Your Faith with Others. When was the last time you shared your faith or lead someone to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? There’s nothing more exciting than leading a person to faith in Christ. Yet, statistics show that 95% of Christians have never led one soul to salvation. It’s a New Year 2022, witness/ share your faith with others who don’t know the Lord… a neighbor, co-worker, relative, restaurant server, or stranger make a point this year with all that’s happening in the world to share the good news of the gospel. “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2).
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (Albert Einstein). It’s a new year time do some things differently for better results. God has a plan and purpose for each of us let’s start releasing the talents, gifts, ministries, books, projects and plans within us. There are people waiting on you/us to step out by faith to do what God has called and equipped us to do. Time is of the essence no more excuses!
NOTE: If you would haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and would like to do so, please click the “Home” tab on this page. On the “Home” page scroll down to the middle of the page to recite the prayer of salvation. After doing so, please complete the prayer request form with your information so that we can send you pertinent information welcoming you to the family of God. God bless you!